
how to delete a git repository

How to delete a channel from a Git Repository

  • Introduction
  • Generic channel deletion process
  • Delete a Github channel
  • Delete a Bitbucket channel


How to delete a channel from a Git Repository: There are two stages to the process: Hiding the channel so it is no longer available to import, and cleaning up the repo by deleting the project files that the channel was using.

First you should delete the ChannelConfiguration.xml file from the Git repo, this will hide the channel so it no longer shows up in the Import Channels screen.

Next you can delete all the non-shared project files (not shared and other) for the channel. This step is optional, but recommended to keep your repository tidy.

Warning: Do not delete shared or other files if they are still be used by another channel.

If you accidentally delete files for another channel you will not be able to import it (it will give an error about not be able to find file dependencies).

Generic channel deletion process [top]

This process assumes that you are familiar with whatever version of Git you are using.

  1. Logon to Git.
  2. Hide the channel:
    1. Delete the …/<your repo>/Channels/<Iguana channel name with guid>/ChannelConfiguration.xml file.
  3. Delete Channel files:
    1. Delete all the files in  …/<your repo>/<Iguana channel name with guid>/

Delete a Github channel [top]

This process assumes that you are able to logon to Github and find the channel you wish to delete.

  1. Logon to Github.
  2. Go to your repo.
  3. Hide the channel: Delete the …/<your repo>/Channels/<Iguana channel name with guid>/ChannelConfiguration.xml file:
    1. For example: your-git-repo/Channels/HL7_Random_Message_Generator_-_copy-88CC981CACF7834C6E27BE7E3BCA7377/ChannelConfiguration.xml
    2. Click the Delete (rubbish bin) icon on the right above the code:
    3. Scroll to the bottom of the screen (or press the End key on the keyboard).
    4. Click the green Commit button to finalize (commit) the delete:
  4. Delete non-shared Channel files: Delete all the files in …/<your repo>/<Iguana channel name with guid>/
    1. Click on the linked name of the channel you are deleting:
    2. This will bring up a list on non-shared files that can safely be deleted:
    3. Click on each file individually and delete them using the same "delete then commit" process you used to delete the configuration file.

Delete a Bitbucket channel [top]

This process assumes that you are able to logon to Bitbucket and find the channel you wish to delete.

Follow the same process as for github, above (detailed steps with screenshots coming very soon).

  1. Logon to Bitbucket
  2. Go to your repo
  3. Click Source in the Navigation menu on the left to view the Channels:
  4. Hide the channel: Delete the …/<your repo>/Channels/<Iguana channel name with guid>/ChannelConfiguration.xml file
    1. For example: your-bitbucket-repo/Channels/LLP_Custom_Client-82D03CFADFD49F690EC69B7FB7EA9D1C/ChannelConfiguration.xml
    2. Select the Delete option from the menu on the right above the code:
    3. Click the Commit button in the dialog window to finalize (commit) the delete:
  5. Delete non-shared Channel files: Delete all the files in …/<your repo>/<Iguana channel name with guid>/:
    1. Click Source in the Navigation menu on the left to view the Channels:
    2. Click on the linked name of the channel you are deleting:
    3. This will bring up a list on non-shared files that can safely be deleted:
    4. Click on each file individually and delete them using the same "delete then commit" process you used to delete the configuration file.
      Note: Between each file deletion you will need to repeat the first two steps (click Source, then click channel link) to return to the list of non-shared files.

how to delete a git repository


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